In-Kind Repairs: Review

1. Choose the statement that best describes an in-kind repair:

It is only available if the applicant can supply matching funds
The application is the most difficult, but if approved, it offers the highest level of ERFO funding
It is the least used of the possible ERFO funding options
It is usually the fastest and most cost effective way to restore access

2. In-kind repairs usually meet the criteria for a Categorical Exclusion, if the repairs are to: (choose the group in which ALL criteria are correct)

  1. Occur within the existing Right-of-Way
  2. Conform to pre-existing design
  3. Conform to pre-existing location
  4. Conform to pre-existing function
  5. Commence within a two-year period
  1. Be within an improved Right-of-Way
  2. Conform to pre-existing design
  3. Conform to pre-existing location
  4. Conform to pre-existing function
  5. Commence within a two-year period
  1. Be within an improved Right-of-Way
  2. Conform to pre-existing design
  3. Conform to pre-existing location
  4. Conform to pre-existing function
  5. Commence within a five-year period

3. True or false: Realignment at damaged sites is eligible for ER funding if the realignment is needed to reduce future accidents.


4. In addition to in-kind repairs, there is another option available for funding IF the option is determined to economically reduce ER eligible costs in the long run. This option is called:

Long-Term Improvement Funding
Long term/low cost alternative
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