Project Development and Design Manual (PDDM)

The PDDM has been developed to provide current policies and guidance for the interdisciplinary project development and design related activities performed by Federal Lands Highway (FLH) Divisions and their Consultants. It also serves as a guide for administrators, public officials and others, both within and outside FLH, who are responsible for advancing projects through the project development process.
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- Modification Approval (dated Jul 2018)
- Preface
- Overall Table of Contents
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- CFLHD Supplements
- WFLHD Supplements
- Section 1.1 - General
- Section 1.2 - Guidance and References
- Section 1.3 - Partners, Programs, and Planning
- Section 1.4 - Glossary
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- Section 2.1 - General
- Section 2.2 - Guidance and References
- Section 2.3 - Programs
- Section 2.4 - Planning and Program Coordination
- Section 2.5 - Planning Studies and Reports
- Section 2.6 - Project Identification
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- CFLHD Supplements
- WFLHD Supplements
- Section 3.1 - Introduction
- Section 3.2 - Responsibilities by Program
- Section 3.3 - Laws, Regulations, Policies, Guidance and Permits
- Section 3.4 - Environmental Process
- Section 3.5 - NEPA Documentation
- Section 3.6 - Tracking and Reporting
- Appendix 3A.1 - Laws, Regulations, Policies, Guidance and Permits
- 3A.1.1 - Resource-Specific Environmental Considerations
- Appendix 3A.2 - NEPA Documentation
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- CFLHD Supplements
- WFLHD Supplements
- Section 4.1 - General
- Section 4.2 - Guidance and References
- Section 4.3 - Problem Definition
- Section 4.4 - Design Standards
- Section 4.5 - Preliminary Engineering Investigation
- Section 4.6 - Developing the Evaluation Framework
- Section 4.7 - Alternatives Development and Evaluation
- Section 4.8 - Design Features of the Proposed Improvements
- 4.8.1 - Geometric Design Elements
- 4.8.2 - Intersections
- 4.8.3 - Railroad-Highway Crossings
- 4.8.4 - Geotechnical
- 4.8.5 - Hydrology and HyDraulics
- 4.8.6 - Structures
- 4.8.7 - Pavements
- 4.8.8 - Right-of-Way
- 4.8.9 - Access Management
- 4.8.10 - Utilities
- 4.8.11 - Permits
- 4.8.12 - Environmental Features and Concerns
- 4.8.13 - Construction Considerations
- 4.8.14 - Design Exceptions
- 4.8.15 - Cost Estimates
- Section 4.9 - Implementation
- Section 4.1 - Documentation
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- Section 5.1 - General
- Section 5.2 - Guidance and References
- Section 5.3 - Survey Planning
- Section 5.4 - Field Data Collection and Processing
- Section 5.5 - Final Design Surveys
- Section 5.6 - Records and Reports
- Section 5A.1 - Code of Safe Surveying Practice
- Appendix 5A.2 - Standards For Control Survey Accuracy Classification
- Appendix 5A.3 - Specifications For Control Surveys
- 5A.3.1 - Physical Standards for Control Monuments
- 5A.3.2 - GPS Control Points Established by any Method (Static or RTK)
- 5A.3.3 - Terrestrial Traverse for Primary Control (3000 Series)
- 5A.3.4 - Terrestrial Traverse for Secondary Mapping Control (4000 Series)
- 5A.3.5 - Terrestrial Traverse for Wing Points
- 5A.3.6 - Terrestrial Levels
- 5A.3.7 - Cadastral or Right-of-Way Ties
- 5A.3.8 - Notes on Specifications
- Appendix 5A.4 - Guidelines For Planning Aerial Photogrammetry
- Appendix 5A.5 - Guidelines For Analytical Aerial Triangulation
- Appendix 5A.6 - Guidelines For Ground Topography and Planimetry
- Appendix 5A.7 - Sample Metadata For Horizontal and Vertical Control Project
- 5A.7.1 - Summary of Metadata
- 5A.7.2 - Identification_Information
- 5A.7.3 - Data_Quality_Information
- 5A.7.4 - Spatial_Data_Organization_Information
- 5A.7.5 - Spatial_Reference_Information
- 5A.7.6 - Entity_and_Attribute_Information
- 5A.7.7 - Distribution_Information
- 5A.7.8 - Metadata_Reference_Information
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- Section 6.1 - General
- Section 6.2 - Guidance and References
- Section 6.3 - Geotechnical Investigations
- Section 6.4 - Analysis and Design
- 6.4.1 - Evaluation of Data, Project Requirements, and Design Parameters
- 6.4.2 - Scope of Analysis
- 6.4.3 - Structure Foundations
- 6.4.4 - Earth Retention Systems
- 6.4.5 - Other Structures
- 6.4.6 - Earthwork
- 6.4.7 - Slope Stability
- 6.4.8 - Rock Engineering
- 6.4.9 - Drainage, Dewatering, and Erosion Control
- 6.4.10 - Ground Improvement
- 6.4.11 - Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
- Section 6.5 - Documentation and Support
- Section 6.6 - Primary and Secondary Sources
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- CFLHD Supplements
- WFLHD Supplements
- Section 7.1 - General
- 7.1.1 - Quick Reference Guide
- 7.1.2 - Project Management and Coordination
- 7.1.3 - Reconnaissance and Scoping
- 7.1.4 - Risk Considerations
- 7.1.5 - Baseline vs. Proposed Conditions
- 7.1.6 - Design Standards and Criteria
- 7.1.7 - Capacity vs. Stability Design
- 7.1.8 - Design and Check Floods
- 7.1.9 - Design Exceptions/Variances
- 7.1.10 - Quality Control and Quality Assurance
- 7.1.11 - Documentation and Deliverables
- 7.1.12 - Applicable Laws
- Section 7.2 - Hydrology
- Section 7.3 - Roadway Hydraulics
- Section 7.4 - River Hydraulics
- Section 7.5 - Environmental Hydraulics
- Section 7.6 - Coastal Hydraulics
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- CFLHD Supplements
- Section 8.1 - General
- Section 8.2 - Guidance and References
- Section 8.3 - Investigation Process
- Section 8.4 - Safety Analysis
- Section 8.5 - Safety Design
- Section 8.6 - Traffic Analysis
- Section 8.7 - Traffic Design
- Section 8.8 - Temporary Traffic Control (TTC)
- 8.8.1 - Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Plan Development
- 8.8.2 - Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Pavement Markings
- 8.8.3 - Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Channelizing Devices
- 8.8.4 - Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Barriers/End Treatments
- 8.8.5 - Traffic Delays
- 8.8.6 - Emergency Response Considerations
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- CFLHD Supplements
- EFLHD Supplements
- WFLHD Supplements
- Section 9.1 - General
- Section 9.2 - Guidance and References
- Section 9.3 - Geometric Design
- 9.3.1 - Geometric Design Controls
- 9.3.2 - Aesthetic Considerations
- 9.3.3 - Horizontal and Vertical Alignment Relationships
- 9.3.4 - Combinations of Design Elements and Features
- 9.3.5 - Horizontal Alignment
- 9.3.6 - Vertical Alignment
- 9.3.7 - Sight Distance
- 9.3.8 - Geometric Cross Section
- 9.3.9 - Roadway Widening
- 9.3.10 - Medians
- 9.3.11 - Curbs
- 9.3.12 - Roadside Design Considerations
- 9.3.13 - Foreslopes
- 9.3.14 - Design of Intersections
- 9.3.15 - Railroad-Highway Grade Crossings
- 9.3.16 - Pedestrian Considerations and Facilities
- 9.3.17 - Bicycle Considerations and Facilities
- 9.3.18 - Transit Considerations and Facilities
- 9.3.19 - Parking Lot Layout Considerations
- Section 9.4 - Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation (RRR) Design
- 9.4.1 - Application of Design Standards
- 9.4.2 - Improvement of Safety Performance
- 9.4.3 - Evaluation of Existing Geometric Design
- 9.4.4 - Improvement of Roadside Conditions
- 9.4.5 - Improvement of Traffic Operations
- 9.4.6 - Evaluation of Pavement and Drainage Structures
- 9.4.7 - Mitigation of Substandard Design Features
- Section 9.5 - Other Highway Design Elements
- 9.5.1 - Earthwork Design
- 9.5.2 - Slope Treatments
- 9.5.3 - Earth Retaining Structures
- 9.5.4 - Landscaping and Restoration of Vegetation
- 9.5.5 - Drainage Design
- 9.5.6 - Soil Erosion and Sediment Control
- 9.5.7 - Parking and Rest Areas
- 9.5.8 - Roadway Appurtenances
- 9.5.9 - Right-of-Way and Utility Considerations
- 9.5.10 - Environmental Protection and Enhancements
- 9.5.11 - Construction Considerations
- Section 9.6 - Plans Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) Development
- 9.6.1 - PS&E Package
- 9.6.2 - Alternative PS&E Development and Contracting Options
- 9.6.3 - PS&E Development at Various Stages of Design
- 9.6.4 - Reviews
- 9.6.5 - Plans
- 9.6.6 - Supporting Information
- 9.6.7 - Construction Schedule and Contract Time
- 9.6.8 - Engineer's Estimate
- 9.6.9 - Specifications
- 9.6.10 - Contract Assembly
- 9.6.11 - Quality Control and Quality Assurance
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- Section 10.1 - General
- Section 10.2 - Guidance and References
- Section 10.3 - Investigation
- Section 10.4 - Design Process
- 10.4.1 - General Features
- 10.4.2 - Loads
- 10.4.3 - Decks, Rails, Deck Joints and Drains
- 10.4.4 - Rail Design
- 10.4.5 - Deck Joint Design
- 10.4.6 - Reinforced Concrete Design
- 10.4.7 - Structural Steel Design
- 10.4.8 - Prestressed Concrete
- 10.4.9 - Timber
- 10.4.10 - Bearings
- 10.4.11 - Foundations and Substructures
- 10.4.12 - Retaining Wall Design
- Section 10.5 - Approvals
- Section 10.6 - Standard Format
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- CFLHD Supplements
- EFLHD Supplements
- Section 11.1 - General
- Section 11.2 - Pavement Design Variables
- Section 11.3 - Flexible Pavement Design
- Section 11.4 - Structural Design of Aggregate Surfacing
- Section 11.5 - Rigid Pavement Design
- Section 11.6 - Pavement Rehabilitation
- Section 11.7 - Pavement Preservation
- Section 11.8 - Pavement Management and Road Inventory Data
- Section 11.9 - Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design
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- Section 12.1 - General
- Section 12.2 - Guidance and References
- Section 12.3 - Right of Way Coordination
- Section 12.4 - Utilities
- 12.4.1 - Regulations and Guidance
- 12.4.2 - Accommodation of Utilities
- 12.4.3 - Utility Coordination
- 12.4.4 - Utility Agreements and Responsibility for Utility Relocation
- 12.4.5 - Location of Utilities
- 12.4.6 - Retention of Existing Facilities
- 12.4.7 - Aesthetic Controls
- 12.4.8 - Utility Installations on Highway Structures
- 12.4.9 - Overhead Power and Communication Lines
- 12.4.10 - Underground Electric Power and Communication Lines
- 12.4.11 - Irrigation and Drainage Pipes, Ditches and Canals
- Section 12.5 - Railroads
- Section 12.6 - Federal Lands
- Section 12.7 - Tribal Trust Lands
- Section 12.8 - Private Land Acquisition
- Section 12.9 - Right of Way and Utility Records
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- WFLHD Supplements
- Section 13.1 - General
- Section 13.2 - Guidance and References
- Section 13.3 - Obtaining and Evaluating Feedback
- Section 13.4 - Monitoring