Sample WFL Right-of-Way Centerline Description
Centerline Description of Right-of-Way
for the Samiah to Fierce
Idaho Forest Highway Road 155-1(2)
Clearwater National Forest
Idaho County, Idaho
This description prepared by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Western Federal Lands Highway division (WFLHD)
November 20, 2001
OWNER: Frank James & Annie Oakley
A parcel of land lying in the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 33 in Township 34 North, Range 5 East, Boise Meridian, Idaho County, Idaho and being a portion of the property described and recorded in said county.
The said parcel being all that portion of said property lying within the boundaries of Right-of-Way hereinafter described with reference to Engineer's centerline of the Kamiah to Pierce Road, Forest Highway Road 55-1(2), which centerline is described as follows.
Beginning at Engineer's Centerline Station (hereinafter called Station) 9+958.748 ST; said Station being a point 843.94 meters (2768.82 feet) South 26° 14' 08" West of found Section Corner of Section 27, 28, 33 and 34 of Township 34 North, Range 5 East, Boise Meridian.
thence North 63° 03' 56" East 303.46 meters (995.61 feet) to Station 10+262.212 TS;
thence on a spiral curve right (8° 11' 06") 50.00 meters (164.04 feet) to Station 10+312.212 SC; [the long chord of which bears N 65° 47' 37" E 49.95 meters (163.89 feet)];
thence on a 175.00 meters (574.15 feet) radius curve right, 75.15 meters (246.55 feet) to Station 10+387.360 CS; [the long chord of which bears N 83° 33' 09" E 74.57 meters (244.66 feet)];
County Road #100, Idaho Forest Highway 55-1(2), Kamiah to Pierce Road Right-of-Way widths in feet (with metric equivalents in parenthesis) measured from the above described centerline, are as follows:
Right-of-way lines run parallel to centerline except where noted.
Station | Width on the Northerly side (left) of centerline |
Width on the Southerly side (right) of centerline |
9+958.748 ST | 32.81' (10m) | 32.81' (10m) Straight line |
10+120.000 POT | 32.81' (10m) Straight line | |
10+140.000 POT | 49.21' (15m) Straight line | |
10+160.000 POT | 49.21' (15m) Straight line | |
10+180.000 POT | 32.81' (10m) | |
10+200.000 POT | 32.81' (10m) Straight line | |
10+220.000 POT | 49.21' (15m) Straight line | |
10+240.000 POT | 49.21' (15m) Straight line | |
10+262.212 TS | 36.09' (11m) | 32.81' (10m) Straight line |
10+312.212 SC | 39.37' (12m) | |
10+387.360 CS | 36.09' (11m) | 39.37' (12m) |
Said parcel lying between approximate Station 9+958.748 ST and Station 10+387.360 CS.
The parcel of land to which this description applies contains 16.70 hectares (41.26 acres), more or less, of which 0.71 hectares (1.75 acres) lie within the existing Right-of-Way. Total Right-of-Way to be acquired under this deed will be 0.85 hectares (2.11 acres).
Temporary Construction Easements are necessary from Station 10+295.000 to Station 10+325.000 which contains 0.03 hectares (0.07 acres).