Revise line and grade
ACTIVITY: Revise initial line and grade for intermediate (50%) design consists of the steps below.
- Incorporate comments from 30% review
- Develop responses to 30% review comments
- Update Typical Sections
- Update Roadway geometric design
- Develop approach road design
- Develop pullouts and parking area design
- Develop' worst case' construction and clearing limits
Step 1 (Weight: 25)
Description: Incorporate comments from 30% review
Step 2 (Weight: 10)
Description: Develop responses to 30% review comments
Step 3 (Weight: 10)
Description: Update Typical Sections
- Update roadway templates (lane, shoulder, curve widening, foreslope, ditch, median, curbs, etc.) and subexcavation.
- Update the typical section limits - (clear zone, topsoil, seeding, clearing, construction)
- Update the structural section - (in conformance with the Pavement Selection Team decision)
Step 4 (Weight: 30)
Description: Update Roadway geometric design
- Provide final line and grade for final TS&L
- Complete the horizontal and vertical alignments
- Update planimetric design features
- Paved ditches, curb, etc.
- Complete design exception portion of WFLHD-3.
- Update the Roadway Cross Sections
Step 5 (Weight: 10)
Description: Develop approach road design
- Revise horizontal and vertical for approaches
- Create/Update plan and profile sheets
- Develop major intersection plans
- Update cross sections.
Step 6 (Weight: 10)
Description: Develop pullouts and parking area design
- Revise layouts
- Develop proposed curb and gutter, sidewalks, and parking stalls
- Adjust grades for proper drainage
- Verify design meets ADA requirements
Step 7 (Weight: 5)
Description: Develop' worst case' construction and clearing limits
Develop' worst case' construction and clearing limits based on 1, 2, 3, and 4 above. This will be used for permits, R/W and utility work.