Assemble 30%

ACTIVITY: Prepare estimate and QC/Assemble Preliminary (30%) Plans consists of the steps below.

  1. Prepare cost estimate
  2. Prepare draft WFLHD-3
  3. Design QC Review
  4. Assemble, print, and distribute the Preliminary Plans.

Step 1 (Weight: 40)

Description: Prepare cost estimate.  Prepare cost estimate and coordinate with the Program Manager:

  • Price analysis for major pay work for each alternative
  • Lump sum estimates and contingencies for unidentified items

Step 2 (Weight: 10)

Description: Prepare draft WFLHD-3

Step 3 (Weight: 45)

Description: Design QC Review

  • Print PS&E for Design QC review
  • Perform Design QC review
  • Revise PS&E based on Design QC review

Step 4 (Weight: 5)

Description: Assemble, print, and distribute the Preliminary Plans.

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